Channel: media girl's blog
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So what about a "tea party" for those of us who live in reality?

There's no doubting the energy in the tea bagger movement. The spittle practically flies at you right out of the TV screen.There have been some interesting articles on the tea baggers lately. One of...

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No, Andrew, you can't take credit for the new media disruption

The New Yorker quotes right-wing rabble rouser Andrew Brietbart:“This is the revolution,” he told his audience, before explaining that the war against the mainstream media was not only political but...

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Does Congress have a say in a "war" it never declared?

Consider the remarks of John McCain:"We feel very strongly that it needs to be condition- based, because if you tell the enemy when you are leaving, then obviously it has an adverse effect on your...

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The stalling economy, Republicans and the panic reflex

In general, I'm politically right of center when it comes to fiscal issues. Obviously, after the catastrophic banking crisis of 2008, when we saw up close that the virtues of the invisible hand of the...

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Don't be fooled: The Tea Party is about authority, not liberty

They claim to be about "getting the government off of our backs." The problem here is that the Tea Party seems to be salivating at the opportunity to enact on the state level laws that prohibit equal...

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Here's the thing: Gay couples don't have equal rights. Gay people do

Let's repeat that:Gay couples don't have equal rights. Gay people do.As far as I know, couples are not mentioned in the US Constitution. However, people are. We the people (etc etc etc). So when the...

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Rewriting history, Pope Benedict claims Nazis were atheists

Not that I claim to know more than Pope Benedict's first-person Nazi expertise, but his claim that Nazis were about atheism is somewhat bizarre:The Pope used this speech to warn Britain about...

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The media's love of Tea Party cheesecake

Yes, Sarah Palin is still playing big in mainstream media headlines. But watch out, girl! There's a new hottie basking in the sunguns.Christine O'Donnell.Thank goodness for Jon Stewart!The Daily Show...

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Simply not paying our bills is not how to balance the budget

The position of the Republicans in the budget negotiations is an outrage to every responsible citizen in our republic. Let's get some facts straight:The debt is money already spentWe owe it. For the...

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Makers: the feminist story doesn't end there

Last night's airing of Makers on PBS got a lot of attention, in part for what it didn't include: Feminism in the last 20 years or so, especially what's been happening online. But that's okay. Feminism...

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